3, 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'bf_calendar_field')); } /** * bf_calendar_field_form_calendar_admin_settings_alter() * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $form_state * @return void */ function bf_calendar_field_form_calendar_admin_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { $calendars = _bf_calendar_field_get_calendars(); $values = array(); foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { $values[] = $calendar->name. '|'. $calendar->machine_name; } $form['bf_calendar'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', //'#title' => 'qwe', 'calendar_type' => array( '#title' => t('Calendars'), '#type' => 'textarea', '#default_value' => join("\n", $values), ), ); //$form['#validate'][] = ''; $form['#submit'][] = 'bf_calendar_field_settings_submit'; } /** * bf_calendar_field_settings_submit() * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $form_state * @return void */ function bf_calendar_field_settings_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { $values = $form_state['values']; $calendars = preg_split( '/\r\n|\r|\n/', $values['calendar_type']); db_delete('calendar_field') ->execute(); foreach($calendars as &$calendar) { list($name, $machine_name) = explode('|', $calendar); if (!trim($name)) { continue; } if (!$machine_name) { $machine_name = preg_replace('@[^a-z0-9_]+@', '_', $name); } db_insert('calendar_field') ->fields(array( 'name' => $name, 'machine_name' => $machine_name, )) ->execute(); } } /** * _bf_calendar_field_get_calendars() * * @return */ function _bf_calendar_field_get_calendars() { $calendars = db_select('calendar_field', 'cf') ->fields('cf') ->execute() ->fetchAll(); return $calendars; } /** * bf_calendar_field_permission() * * @return void */ function bf_calendar_field_permission() { $perms = array(); $calendars = _bf_calendar_field_get_calendars(); foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { $perms[_bf_calendar_field_get_permission_name($calendar->machine_name, 'admin')] = array( 'title' => t('Create/edit events on calendar !calendar', array('!calendar' => $calendar->name)), 'description' => t('Perform administration tasks on calendar !calendar', array('!calendar' => $calendar->name)), ); $perms[_bf_calendar_field_get_permission_name($calendar->machine_name, 'view')] = array( 'title' => t('View events of calendar !calendar', array('!calendar' => $calendar->name)), 'description' => '', ); } return $perms; } /** * _bf_calendar_field_get_permission_name() * * @param mixed $machine_name * @param string $mode * @return */ function _bf_calendar_field_get_permission_name($machine_name, $mode = 'view') { return ($mode == 'admin' ? 'administer calendar ' : 'view calendar '). $machine_name; } /** * bf_calendar_field_date_format_types() * * @return */ function bf_calendar_field_date_format_types() { return array( 'bf_calendar_field_year' => t('Calendar - Year'), 'bf_calendar_field_month' => t('Calendar - Month'), 'bf_calendar_field_week' => t('Calendar - Week'), 'bf_calendar_field_day' => t('Calendar - Day'), ); } /** * bf_calendar_field_date_formats() * * @return */ function bf_calendar_field_date_formats() { return FALSE; } /** * bf_calendar_field_process_date_nav_title() * * @param mixed $vars * @return void */ function bf_calendar_field_process_date_nav_title(&$vars) { switch ($vars['granularity']) { case 'year': $vars['format'] = date_format_type_format('bf_calendar_field_year'); break; case 'month': $vars['format'] = date_format_type_format('bf_calendar_field_month'); break; case 'week': $vars['format'] = date_format_type_format('bf_calendar_field_week'); break; case 'day': $vars['format'] = date_format_type_format('bf_calendar_field_day'); break; } } array( 'render element' => 'element', ), ); } function bf_gallery_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) { //$theme_registry['image_formatter']['path'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'bf_gallery'). '/theme'; //$theme_registry['image_formatter']['template'] = 'field--image'; } function _bf_gallery_get_library_path($module = 'galleria') { $library_path = libraries_get_path($module); if (!empty($library_path)) { // Attempt to use minified version of Galleria plugin. if ($galleria_path = array_shift(glob($library_path . '/galleria*.min.js'))) { return $galleria_path; } // Otherwise use non-minified version if available. elseif ($galleria_path = array_shift(glob($library_path . '/galleria*.js'))) { return $galleria_path; } } return false; } 'CSV export/import', 'description' => '', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('bf_node_import_form'), 'access callback' => 'bf_node_import_access', 'access arguments' => array('import nodes'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); return $items; } /** * bf_node_import_permission() * * @return */ function bf_node_import_permission() { return array( 'import nodes' => array( 'title' => t('Import content from CSV'), 'description' => '', ), ); } /** * bf_node_import_access() * * @param mixed $permission * @return */ function bf_node_import_access($permission) { return user_access($permission); } /** * bf_node_import_form() * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $form_state * @return */ function bf_node_import_form($form, &$form_state) { $nodeTypes = _node_types_build()->types; if (!isset($form_state['storage']['step'])) { $form_state['storage']['step'] = 1; } $nodeTypeOptions = array(); foreach ($nodeTypes as $nodeType => $Type) { $nodeTypeOptions[$nodeType] = $Type->name; } switch ($form_state['storage']['step']) { case 1: default: $form['set-node-type'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Node type'), 'node-type' => array( '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => variable_get('bf_node_import_limit', 5), '#attributes' => array( ), '#options' => $nodeTypeOptions ), ); $form['actions'] = array( '#type' => 'actions', 'export' => array( '#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'export', '#value' => t('Export'), ), 'import' => array( '#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'import', '#value' => t('Import'), ), ); break; case 2: $op = $form_state['storage']['op']; switch($op) { case 'import': $form = _bf_node_import_form_import_2($form, $form_state); break; case 'export': $form = _bf_node_import_form_export_2($form, $form_state); break; } break; } return $form; } /** * _bf_node_import_form_import_2() * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $form_state * @return */ function _bf_node_import_form_import_2($form, &$form_state) { $form['#attributes'] = array('enctype' => "multipart/form-data"); $form['set-import'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Select CSV file'), '#collapsible' => false, 'csv' => array( '#type' => 'file', '#title' => t('File'), ), ); $form['actions'] = array( '#type' => 'actions', 'upload' => array( '#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'upload', '#value' => t('Upload'), ), ); return $form; } /** * _bf_node_import_form_export_2() * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $form_state * @return */ function _bf_node_import_form_export_2($form, &$form_state) { $nodeType = $form_state['storage']['node-type']; $defaultFields = array( 'nid' => t('Node ID'), 'title' => t('Title'), ); $selectableFields = field_info_instances('node', $nodeType); $options = array(); foreach ($selectableFields as $field => $info) { $options[$field] = $info['label']; } $form['set-fields'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Select fields'), '#collapsible' => false, ); foreach ($defaultFields as $fieldName => $title) { $form['set-fields'][$fieldName] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $title, '#default_value' => 1, '#disabled' => TRUE, ); } $form['set-fields']['fields'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => array_keys($options), ); $form['actions'] = array( '#type' => 'actions', 'download' => array( '#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'download', '#value' => t('Download'), ), 'back' => array( '#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'back', '#value' => t('Back'), ), ); return $form; } /** * bf_node_import_form_validate() * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $form_state * @return void */ function bf_node_import_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { } /** * bf_node_import_form_submit() * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $form_state * @return void */ function bf_node_import_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $formValues = $form_state['values']; $op = $form_state['clicked_button']['#name']; switch ($form_state['storage']['step']) { case 1: $form_state['storage']['op'] = $op; $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; $form_state['storage']['node-type'] = $formValues['node-type']; $form_state['storage']['step'] = 2; switch ($op) { case 'export': break; case 'import': break; } break; case 2: switch ($op) { case 'upload': _bf_node_import_form_submit_import_2($form, $form_state); break; case 'download': _bf_node_import_form_submit_export_2($form, $form_state); break; default: } break; default: } } /** * _bf_node_import_import_form_submit_import_2() * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $form_state * @return void */ function _bf_node_import_form_submit_import_2($form, &$form_state) { $files = $_FILES['files']; $fields = array(); $nodes = array(); $csvUploaded = array(); $nodeType = $form_state['storage']['node-type']; foreach ($files as $paramName => $param) { $csvUploaded[$paramName] = $param['csv']; } $csvPath = $csvUploaded['tmp_name']; if (($csv = fopen($csvPath, 'r')) != FALSE) { $first = TRUE; while (($row = fgetcsv($csv, 10000, ';', '"')) != FALSE) { if ($first) { $fields = $row; $first = FALSE; continue; } $nodes[] = array_combine($fields, $row); } } foreach ($nodes as $node) { $success = _bf_node_import_update_node($node, $nodeType); } } /** * _bf_node_import_update_node() * * @param mixed $data * @param mixed $nodeType * @return */ function _bf_node_import_update_node(array $data, $nodeType) { static $fieldInfo; $nid = $data['nid']; if (!(int)$nid) { return FALSE; } unset($data['nid']); $Node = node_load($nid); if ($Node->type !== $nodeType) { $nodeTypeInfo = node_type_load($nodeType); drupal_set_message(t('Node #!nid is not !type!', array('!nid' => $nid, '!type' => $nodeTypeInfo->name)), 'error'); return FALSE; } //$fields = field_info_instances('node', $nodeType); foreach ($data as $fieldName => $value) { if (!isset($fieldInfo[$fieldName])) { $fieldInfo[$fieldName] = field_info_field($fieldName); } switch ($fieldInfo[$fieldName]['module']) { case 'taxonomy': $tids = array(); $termNames = explode('|', $value); foreach ($termNames as $termName) { $vocab_name = $info['settings']['allowed_values'][0]['vocabulary']; $terms = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($termName, $vocab_name); foreach ($terms as $tid => $term) { $tids[] = $tid; } } _bf_node_import_set_taxonomy($Node, $fieldName, $tids); break; case 'text': $Node->body['und'][0]['value'] = $value; break; default: $Node->{$fieldName} = $value; } } //return TRUE; return node_save($Node); } /** * _bf_node_import_form_submit_export_2() * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $form_state * @return void */ function _bf_node_import_form_submit_export_2($form, &$form_state) { $formValues = $form_state['values']; $op = $form_state['clicked_button']['#name']; $nodeType = $form_state['storage']['node-type']; $selectedFields = $formValues['fields']; switch($op) { case 'download': foreach ($selectedFields as $fieldName => $selected) { if (!$selected) { unset($selectedFields[$fieldName]); } } $rows = array(); $defaultFields = drupal_map_assoc(array('nid', 'title')); $selectedFields = array_merge($defaultFields, $selectedFields); $nids = db_select('node', 'n') ->fields('n', array('nid')) ->condition('type', $nodeType) ->execute() ->fetchCol(); $nodes = node_load_multiple($nids); $rows[0] = $selectedFields; foreach ($nodes as $nid => $node) { $row = array(); foreach ($selectedFields as $fieldName) { $row[] = _bf_node_import_get_field_value($node, $fieldName); } $rows[] = $row; } $tempDir = file_directory_temp(); $csvUri = 'temporary://node_export_'.$nodeType.'_'.date('Ymd').'_'.date('Hi').'.csv'; if (($f = fopen($csvUri, 'w+')) != FALSE) { foreach ($rows as $row) { fputcsv($f, $row, ';', '"'); } } _bf_node_import_download($csvUri); break; case 'back': break; } } /** * _bf_node_import_get_field_value() * * @param mixed $node * @param mixed $fieldName * @return */ function _bf_node_import_get_field_value(stdClass $node, $fieldName) { if (!isset($node->{$fieldName})) { return NULL; } $value = $node->{$fieldName}; if (is_array($value)) { $field = field_info_field($fieldName); switch ($field['type']) { case 'taxonomy_term_reference': $terms = array(); $values = $value[LANGUAGE_NONE]; foreach ($values as $v) { $term = taxonomy_term_load($v['tid']); $terms[] = $term->name; } return join('|', array_unique($terms)); break; case 'text_with_summary': foreach ($value as $lang => $values) { foreach ($values as $text) { return $text['value']; } } break; } } elseif (is_object($value)) { return FALSE; } else { return $value; } } /** * _bf_node_import_download() * * @param mixed $uri * @return void */ function _bf_node_import_download($uri) { $filePath = drupal_realpath($uri); $fileName = basename($filePath); $fileSize = filesize($filePath); $headers = array( 'Content-Type' => 'force-download', 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"', 'Content-Length' => $fileSize, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control' => 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0', 'Expires' => '0', 'Accept-Ranges' => 'bytes' ); file_transfer($uri, $headers); } /** * _bf_node_import_set_taxonomy() * * @param mixed $Node * @param mixed $fieldName * @param mixed $tids * @return void */ function _bf_node_import_set_taxonomy(stdClass &$Node, $fieldName, $tids) { $Node->{$fieldName}[LANGUAGE_NONE] = array(); foreach ($tids as $tid) { $Node->{$fieldName}[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array('tid' => $tid); } } 'Personal feeds configuration', 'description' => '', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('bf_personal_feeds_admin_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'file' => 'bf_personal_feeds.admin.inc', ); $terms_enabled = _bf_personal_feeds_get_terms_enabled(); if (!empty($terms_enabled)) { $items['user/%user/personal_feeds'] = array( 'title' => 'Feeds', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('bf_personal_feeds_user_form'), 'access callback' => 'bf_personal_feeds_user_access', 'access arguments' => array(1), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); } return $items; } function bf_personal_feeds_views_api() { return array('api' => 3, 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'bf_personal_feeds')); } /** * _bf_personal_feeds_get_terms() * * @param mixed $uid * @return */ function _bf_personal_feeds_get_terms($uid) { if (!(int)$uid) { return FALSE; } $rows = (array)db_select('personal_feeds', 'pn') ->fields('pn') ->condition('pn.uid', (int)$uid) ->execute() ->fetchAll(); $terms = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $terms[$row->node_type][] = (int)$row->tid; } return $terms; } /** * _bf_personal_feeds_get_terms_enabled() * * @return */ function _bf_personal_feeds_get_terms_enabled() { $rows = (array)db_select('personal_feeds_admin', 'pn') ->fields('pn') ->execute() ->fetchAll(); $terms = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $terms[$row->node_type][] = (int)$row->tid; } return $terms; } /** * _bf_personal_feeds_get_user_tids() * * @return */ function _bf_personal_feeds_get_user_tids() { global $user; $tids = array(); $nids = array(); $terms = array (); $limit = variable_get('bf_personal_feeds_limit', 5); $enabled = _bf_personal_feeds_get_terms_enabled(); if (is_object($user) && (int)$user->uid) { $terms = _bf_personal_feeds_get_terms((int)$user->uid); } if (is_array($terms) && !empty($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $nodeType => $tids_) { $tids = array_merge($tids, $tids_); } $tids = array_unique($tids); return $tids; } return FALSE; } array( 'render element' => 'element', ), 'bf_upload_items' => array( 'render element' => 'element' ) ); } /** * Theme Upload widget. */ function theme_bf_upload_uploader($variables) { $element = $variables['element']; $attributes = array(); if (isset($element['#id'])) { $attributes['id'] = $element['#id']; } if (!empty($element['#attributes']['class'])) { $attributes['class'] = (array)$element['#attributes']['class']; } $attributes['class'][] = 'bf_upload'; $hasTitle = isset($element['#bf_upload_override']['title_field']) && $element['#bf_upload_override']['title_field'] == 1; if ($hasTitle) { $attributes['class'][] = 'has-title'; } /* $hasAlt = (bool)(isset($element['#bf_upload_override']['alt_field']) && $element['#bf_upload_override']['alt_field'] == 1); if ($hasAlt) { $attributes['class'][] = 'has-alt'; } */ $output = '
    '. theme('bf_upload_items', array('element' => $element)).'
' . t('Drag files here') . '
' . implode("\n", $element['#info']) . '
'; return $output; } /** * Theme Batch upload items within widget. */ function theme_bf_upload_items($vars) { $element = &$vars['element']; if (isset($element['#default_value']) && !empty($element['#default_value'])) { $items = &$element['#default_value']; } else { return ''; } $output = ''; foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { // If user deleted all items I'll get array('fid' => 0) if ($item['fid'] > 0) { $hasTitle = $element['#bf_upload_override']['title_field'] == 1; $hasAlt = $element['#bf_upload_override']['alt_field'] == 1; $hasDescription = $element['#bf_upload_override']['description_field'] == 1; $name = $element['#name'] . '[' . $delta . ']'; $fileTypeThumb = '
%s %s
'; $fileTypeThumbCaption = (!empty($item['uri'])) ? $item['uri'] : print_r($item, true); $fileTypeThumb = sprintf($fileTypeThumb, theme('image', array('path' => '/'. _bf_upload_get_filetype_image($item))), $fileTypeThumbCaption); $output .= '
  • '. ($item['type'] == 'image' ? theme('image_style', array('style_name' => $element['#bf_upload']['image_style'], 'path' => $item['uri'])) : $fileTypeThumb) .'
    '. ($hasTitle ? '' : ''). ($hasDescription ? '' : ''). //($hasAlt ? '' : ''). ' '; (isset($item['rename']) ? '' : '').'
  • '; } } return $output; } array( 'label' => t('BIG FISH Uploader'), 'field types' => array('file', 'image'), 'behaviors' => array( 'multiple values' => FIELD_BEHAVIOR_CUSTOM, 'default value' => FIELD_BEHAVIOR_NONE, ), ), ); } /** * _field_widget_settings_form */ function bf_upload_field_widget_settings_form($field, $instance) { $form = array(); switch ($field['type']) { case 'image': $styles = array(); foreach (image_styles() as $name => $style) { $styles[$name] = $style['name']; } $form['image_style'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Image style'), '#default_value' => isset($instance['widget']['settings']['image_style']) ? $instance['widget']['settings']['image_style'] : 'thumbnail', '#options' => $styles ); break; } return $form; } /** * _field_widget_form */ function bf_upload_field_widget_form(&$form, &$form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) { $parents = array_merge( array('values', $element['#field_name'], $element['#language']), $element['#field_parents'] ); $state_data = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form_state, $parents); // We inform user about restrictions $info = array(); if ($field['cardinality'] > 0) { $info[] = '
    '. t("You can upload up to !num files.", array('!num' => '' . $field['cardinality'] . '')). '
    '; } if (isset($instance['settings']['max_filesize']) && !empty($instance['settings']['max_filesize'])) { $info[] = '
    '. t("Maximal file size: !size", array('!size' => ''. $instance['settings']['max_filesize'] . '')). '
    '; } $info[] = '
    '. t("Allowed files types: !types.", array('!types' => '' . $instance['settings']['file_extensions'] . '')). '
    '; /* $max = $instance['settings']['max_resolution']; $min = $instance['settings']['min_resolution']; if ($min && $max && $min == $max) { $info[] = '
    '. t('Images must be exactly !size pixels.', array('!size' => '' . $max . '')). '
    '; } elseif ($min && $max) { $info[] = '
    '. t('Images must be between !min and !max pixels.', array('!min' =>'' . $min . '', '!max' => '' . $max . '')). '
    '; } elseif ($min) { $info[] = '
    '. t('Images must be larger than !min pixels.', array('!min' => '' . $min . '')). '
    '; } elseif ($max) { $info[] = '
    '. t('Images must be smaller than !max pixels.', array('!max' => '' . $max . '')). '
    '; } */ if (isset($state_data)) { $default_values = $state_data; } else { if (isset($items)) { $default_values = $items; } else { $default_values = array(); } } $images = array( '#type' => 'bf_upload', '#default_value' => $default_values, '#info' => $info ); // Allowed file types(extensions) needs to be set here $ext = new stdClass(); $ext->title = 'Allowed extensions'; // This won't show up anywhere so no t() $ext->extensions = (isset($instance['settings']['file_extensions']) && !empty($instance['settings']['file_extensions'])) ? strtr($instance['settings']['file_extensions'], ' ', ',') : 'jpg,png,gif'; $images['#bf_upload_override']['filters'] = array($ext); // Maximal file size if (isset($instance['settings']['max_filesize']) && !empty($instance['settings']['max_filesize'])) { $images['#bf_upload_override']['max_file_size'] = $instance['settings']['max_filesize']; } // URL callback for Plupload library has to be altered so we can get instance ID for later validation $images['#bf_upload_override']['url'] = url('bf_upload/' . $instance['id'], array( 'query' => array( 'bf_upload_token' => drupal_get_token('bf_upload-handle-uploads') ) )); $images['#bf_upload_override']['image_style'] = isset($instance['widget']['settings']['image_style']) ? $instance['widget']['settings']['image_style'] : 'thumbnail'; $images['#bf_upload_override']['alt_field'] = (int)$instance['settings']['alt_field']; $images['#bf_upload_override']['title_field'] = (int)$instance['settings']['title_field']; $images['#bf_upload_override']['description_field'] = (int)$instance['settings']['description_field']; // We set the maximum files user can upload $images['#bf_upload_override']['max_files'] = (int)$field['cardinality']; $element += $images; return $element; } true, '#title' => null, '#process' => array('bf_upload_process_element'), '#value_callback' => 'bf_upload_value_element', '#element_validate' => array('bf_upload_validate_element'), '#pre_render' => array('bf_upload_pre_render_element'), '#default_value' => null, '#required' => false, '#autocomplete_path' => false, '#theme_wrappers' => array('form_element'), '#theme' => 'bf_upload_uploader', '#upload_location' => null, '#info' => array(), '#attached' => array('library' => array(array('bf_upload', 'plupload'))), '#bf_upload' => array( 'container' => 'bf_upload-container', 'browse_button' => 'bf_upload-select', 'upload' => 'bf_upload-upload', 'runtimes' => 'html5,gears,flash,silverlight,browserplus,html4', 'max_file_size' => '512MB', 'chunk_size' => '2048K', 'url' => url('bf_upload', array( 'query' => array( 'bf_upload_token' => drupal_get_token('bf_upload-handle-uploads') ) ) ), 'filters' => array(), 'unique_names' => false, 'flash_swf_url' => base_path() . $plupload. '/js/plupload.flash.swf', 'silverlight_xap_url' => base_path() . $plupload. '/js/plupload.silverlight.xap', 'drop_element' => 'bf_upload-filelist', 'multipart' => true, 'dragdrop' => true, 'multiple_queues' => true, 'urlstream_upload' => false, 'image_style' => 'thumbnail', 'image_style_path' => '', 'max_files' => -1, ), '#bf_upload_override' => array() ); return $types; } /** * Value callback needed for removing all items. */ function bf_upload_value_element(&$element, $input = false, $form_state = null) { // Default state - no new data if ($input === false) { return null; } // Field was emptied - user deleted all files if (is_null($input)) { return array(array('fid' => 0)); } // Field has new data return $input; } /** * Process callback to set JS settings before Plupload init. */ function bf_upload_process_element($element, &$form_state, $form) { $rand = mt_rand(1,1000); $element['#bf_upload']['browse_button'] .= $rand; $element['#bf_upload']['container'] .= $rand; $element['#bf_upload']['upload'] .= $rand; $element['#default_value'] = isset($element['#value']) ? $element['#value'] : $element['#default_value']; $element['#bf_upload']['name'] = $element['#name']; $element['#bf_upload'] = array_merge($element['#bf_upload'], $element['#bf_upload_override']); $files = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_scheme('public')->getDirectoryPath(); $element['#bf_upload']['image_style_path'] = base_path() . $files . '/styles/' . $element['#bf_upload']['image_style']. '/'; $element['#attached']['js'][] = array( 'data' => array( 'bf_upload' => array($element['#bf_upload']) ), 'type' => 'setting', ); return $element; } /** * Pre-render callback to load existing items. */ function bf_upload_pre_render_element($element) { if (isset($element['#default_value']) && !empty($element['#default_value'])) { foreach ($element['#default_value'] as $delta => $item) { $element['#default_value'][$delta] = array_merge($item, (array)file_load($item['fid'])); } } return $element; } /** * Element validation callback. */ function bf_upload_validate_element($element, &$form_state, $form) { if ($element['#required'] == true && $element['#value'][0]['fid'] == 0) { form_error($element, t("@field field is required.", array('@field' => $element['#title']))); } $cardinality = isset($element['#bf_upload_override']['max_files']) ? $element['#bf_upload_override']['max_files'] : $element['#bf_upload']['max_files']; if ($cardinality > 0 && count($element['#value']) > $cardinality) { form_error($element, t("Only !num items are allowed.", array('!num' => $cardinality))); } } VIII. SZIE Regatta | SZIE Regatta

    VIII. SZIE Regatta

    A Szent István Egyetem 2019. június 21-23-án, immáron nyolcadik alkalommal rendezi meg nagyszabású sárkányhajó regattáját a szarvasi Holt-Körösön. Szeretettel várunk minden hallgatót és munkatársat – versenyzőként vagy szurkolóként a nyárindító fesztiválra, ami az Agrár- és Gazdaságtudományi Kar szarvasi Tessedik Campusán kerül megrendezésre.

    Az egyre nagyobb népszerűségnek örvendő és rendkívül látványos vízi sport évről évre egyre több egyetemistát, amatőr versenyzőt vonz határon innen és túl, akik lapátosként vagy dobosként kívánják kipróbálni magukat. Kétpályás, kb. 200 méter hosszú versenypályán szállnak vízre a versenyzők. A mintegy 13 méter hosszú, 20 fős kenu formájú hajó elején egy sárkányfej, végén pedig egy sárkányfarok található. Az evező csapattagok a hajó két oldalán helyezkednek el, s egy dobos adta ütemre és egy kormányos irányításával hajtják előre, rendkívül összehangoltan a hajót.

    A sárkányhajó versenyre az egyetemi munkatársak és hallgatók által delegált csapatoknak és a szurkolóknak 2019. április 15-től május 20-ig lehet jelentkezni a http://regatta.szie.hu honlapon, a Tájékoztató menüpont alatt lévő regisztrációs lap online kitöltésével.